3 Quotes & Sayings By Robert E Barron

A young man named Robert Barron was raised in a large Roman Catholic family in New Jersey; and, in the late 1990s, he decided to study in Rome and there became a strict and devoted Catholic. As he studied in Rome in the early 2000s, however, he came to realize that there were serious problems with many of the Church's teachings. He began to study these teachings from a scholarly standpoint and discovered that they were not what had been entrusted to him by his parents. In the mid-2000s, he began to engage in serious research on the Bible and discovered that it is not what had been passed down to him by his parents Read more

Since then, he has written over a dozen books that have been translated into eight languages. He is a prolific researcher on biblical topics and is known as one of the leading experts on Catholicism and Pope Francis worldwide.

Love actually is a great act of the will. It's when I say, "I desire your good, not for my sake but for yours". To love is to break out of the black hole of the ego and say, "My life is about you". Robert E. Barron
Now Christianity proposes a completely different account of how history comes to a climax and what precisely constitutes the new order of the ages–which helps to explain why so many of modernity’s avatars, from Diderot to Christopher Hitchens, have specially targeted Christianity. On the Christian reading, history reached its highpoint when a young first-century Jewish rabbi, having been put to death on a brutal Roman instrument of torture, was raised from the dead through the power of the God of Israel. The state-sponsored murder of Jesus, who had dared to speak and act in the name of Israel’s God, represented the world’s resistance to the Creator. It was the moment when cruelty, hatred, violence, and corruption–symbolized in the Bible as the watery chaos–spent itself on Jesus. The resurrection, therefore, showed forth the victory of the divine love over those dark powers. St. Paul can say, “I am certain that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, nor any other creature can separate us from the love of God, ” precisely because he lived on the far side of the resurrection. . Robert E. Barron